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What Will I Learn in Flight School?

By Blue Line Aviation on Aug 30, 2021 4:45:43 PM

Flight school is an exciting opportunity to learn a new skill but also to fuel your desire for adventure. The first step is to enroll in a program that’s designed to provide you with every bit of knowledge and support you need to thrive. Here’s what you can expect from flight school training.

You’ll Learn Federal Aviation Rules and Regulations

At the heart of the process is teaching you all Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) to ensure you don’t miss a beat when you’re up in the air. This type of thorough training includes a wide range of “Parts” – we refer to this a lot during your training. An example is Blue Line Aviation, a Part 141 school, is a flight school with an FAA approved syllabus.

We teach students how to find and apply those rules and regulations through a book called the FAR-AIM.

Other example of FAR-AIM subjects that a flight school reviews:

  • What type of maintenance you can legally perform
  • The necessary qualifications for receiving certificates or ratings
  • The legal requirements for instruments and equipment on aircraft (and much more!)


Your Aircraft, Airspace, and Air Traffic Control Communication

Also important in your education and training is to have a solid understanding of the aircraft itself. Whether in performing specific tasks or communicating problems, you’ll need to know everything there is about your aircraft. Our training includes:

  • External Components (i.e. wings, landing gear, etc.)
  • Instruments (i.e. altimeter, attitude, etc.)
  • Systems (i.e. fuel, oil, etc.)

You'll familiarize yourself with everything that makes up your aircraft, inside and out, including how everything works, how to mitigate problems and solve issues as they arise, as well as achieve optimal performance with your aircraft.

You’ll also learn about airspace. That includes all areas the military operates, areas of heavy traffic, and airspace for special operations. There are various types of airspace, and you’ll need to understand where you can and cannot fly.

We teach you how to communicate with Air Traffic Control (ATC). ATC helps keep you safe on your travels by keeping you away from other aircraft and helping you get to your destination in a safe and timely manner. You will learn their lingo, what they expect of you as a pilot, and what you can expect from them.


Principles of Flight

To fly, you have to understand how flying is possible. This area of your training focuses on understanding the physics of how aircraft fly. This teaches you how to be familiar with the way an airplane operates and why it does. It can also help you have the skills to use this information to create effective flight plans and to solve problems, should they occur during the flight.


Airport Operations

A part of your training will include reading and communicating about airport operations. This includes understanding how airports work, both going into and coming out of them. You’ll learn more about the available markings, lighting, and signage on airports and how to interpret them based on what you’re doing.



Weather impacts every flight. In this component of flight school, you will learn how weather affects aircraft performance. You’ll also gain skills for how to fly safely in or around it.



This includes:

  • Using aircraft navigational instruments and systems
  • Using a compass
  • Dead zone navigation strategies
  • Using Autopilot

You'll leave your flight school with the utmost confidence on how to be an effective navigator while flying.


Flight Maneuvers and Pilot Duties

This is what every trainee wants to learn – learning how to use the information you have learned to get into the sky and fly. You'll learn different takeoff and landing methods, maneuvers, and emergency scenario management.


Go Beyond Flight School Minimums

We teach you everything you need to know, far more than what may be taught in other programs. We teach you more than just what you need to pass a test. We train every area to the point of graduates having instructor-level expertise in each subject, properly preparing you for your future endeavors.

Most importantly, we’re known for teaching professionalism. We train you for a career in the field, either in corporate or commercial airlines. You’ll learn how to present yourself and apply our core values of safety, innovation, integrity, excellence, and accountability in your day-to-day operations.

Interested in Becoming a Pilot?

Are you ready to learn more about becoming a pilot? Talk to a Training Advisor to learn how you can get started with flight school!

Blue Line Aviation, established in 2012, is one of only a few flight schools in the world to provide quality flight training programs at an accelerated pace. In as few as five and a half months, students can go from no experience to fully confident and certified pilots, fully prepared for a career in aviation. Schedule a tour of our new state-of-the-art facility (located at 3149B Swift Creek Road, Smithfield, North Carolina) and let your new career take flight. For more inquiries and additional information, please visit our website, find us on social media, or contact Ashley Tucker, our Vice President of Sales and Marketing, at (919) 578-3713 ext. 305.